Administration \ Evergreen Servicing \ New Service Plan

Select which module you want the servicing plan to affect from the dropdown and then enter a plan name. The name must be unique and may not be changed once created. To correct a mistake the plan must be deleted and then recreated.

Click create plan and approve the Create Plan challenge

Administration \ Evergreen Servicing \ Windows 10 1809 Feature Update

Service plans are divided in to 5 sections

  1. Name and Radio Button controls for plan activity
  2. Schedule and Exclusivity Settings
  3. Service Plan Rules
  4. Service Plan Actions
  5. Notes

Name and Radio Button controls for plan activity


  1. Read only – may not be changed
  2. Allow the Plan Rule Evaluator to be run
  3. Allow Scheduling to be actioned
  4. Decide if the Plan Publisher activity should be scheduled or can be run on demand
  5. Remove plan – this will delete the entire plan and it not recoverable



Scheduling Settings

The scheduler has three settings.

  1. Scheduling Delay configures the time to wait before the 1st date is selected. The default is one day i.e. the next working day (Mon – Fri). If running the schedule on a Thursday and Monday is the requires start day the delay should be set to two as only working days are counted. You will change this setting often through a servicing window.
  2. The Scheduling Window defines the number of working days the deployment will run over counting only Monday to Friday. A 20 day Window is 4 weeks long.
  3. Exclusive plan. If checked it forces the scheduler to avoid days when other plans have scheduled dates. A non-exclusive plan cannot schedule on a day that an exclusive plan has already selected.


Service Plan Rules

The section defines the rules by which the plan will tested. There is an associated help file made available with ESM. A link to that help file can be found in the Troubleshooting section within the New Service Plan section.

The rules should be configured is such a way as to generate a “Pass” if the service plan is to be applied.

For example, we wish to test if a machine has enough free disk space, we can leverage the SCCM inventory data that we hold. The internal path to this data is “MachineCustomTab1\Inventory Data\Free Disk Space” ** so the rule should check to see if the space is greater than or equal to 20.

  1. Rule Name, free type text that will appear in the Servicing UI
  2. Rule Type, the example above is reading some data already in Migration Studio. It is equally possible to check membership of AD groups, SCCM Collections or the outcome of a PowerShell query
  3. The Data Location is only required if during step 2 a Question, a Field or PowerShell was selected.
  4. The Operator is selectable from the dropdown
  5. Criteria is the value, text, SCCM collection or AD group to test against.

The Validate Plan Rules button maybe clicked as often as required, it both saves changes and checks the entries are valid by checking with AD, SCCM and MigrationStudio data fields.

**  Question Paths can be copied by right clicking the question in the relevant questionnaire.

See the examples below.

Rule Name

Rule Type

Data Location




Desktop PC






Not Kiosk PC



Not Like


Excludes PC's with names like KIOSK002, KIOSK006



MCT1\Inventory Data\Memory



More than 3 GB of RAM

CPU > 2Ghz


MCT1\Inventory Data\Processor



Faster than 2 Ghz

Is Win 7 (a)


MCT1\Inventory Data\OS Version


6.1 [version]

Win 7 version is 6.1.xxxx depending on SP level

Two rules are used to narrow the OS Version to >= 6.1 and < 6.2

Is Win 7 (b)


MCT1\Inventory Data\OS Version

6.2 [version]

Active in SCCM


MCT1\Inventory Data\Last Hardware Scan


[now] -2 [weeks]

Last HW Scan is in the last 2 weeks

Win 10 Pilot



Is In

Win 10 Pilot PCs


UPN Check

Compare Questions



UCT1\AD Info\Email


Safety Check 1



Is Not In

VIP Machines

Fails checks if device in VIP AD Group

Safety Check 2



Is In

UK PC Clients

Machine must be in 'UK PC Clients' to pass

No Payroll Apps                        



PS Param

Pilot PCs

A custom script that would 'fail' this check if it found Payroll apps installed on this device


Service Plan Actions (Publisher)

This is where the activity that the Service Plan is to perform is defined. Usually, that may involve adding or removing the User or Machine to an AD Group or a SCCM Collection, but it could also involve running a custom PowerShell script to perform an action on a 3rd Party system, i.e. Migrate a user mail account to the cloud. It is possible to have multiple actions for a service plan so Migrate Email, add to AD group, add to an SCCM Collection and move the user or machine to a different MigrationStudio process.

The Validate Plan Actions button maybe clicked as often as required, it both saves changes and checks the entries are valid by checking with AD, SCCM and MigrationStudio data fields.

Adding email addresses to the Email Publisher Log: field, separated by a semi colon, will result in scheduler emails being sent to project or support resources.

It is not necessary to build the Plan Actions before running the Plan Evaluator.



The Plan Evaluator

This tool is run from either the User Migration or Machine section of MigrationStudio.

The Plane Evaluator is located under the plugins option on the toolbar. Just like data mining the clients that will be tested by the Evaluator need to be selected prior to running the plugin. Follow the rollouts to find the service plan you wish to evaluate….

This will evaluate the selected items against the plan. Machines will pass or fail accordingly. The status of all devices can be reported on in Reports \ Data Mining. Depending on how many clients are selected and how many rule checks there are it may take a while to complete.

The Plan Scheduler


Once again, before running the Plan Scheduler the machines on the grid must be selected.

The Plan Scheduler will schedule only the machines with a PASS and that are not already scheduled. If the exclusive flag was set it will schedule on days where nothing else is scheduled for that machine.

Data mining will allow interrogation of the dates the scheduler has selected.




The Plan Publisher

The Plan Publisher carries out the tasks designated in the Service Plan Actions. There are two ways to initiate the Plan Publisher.

  1. Scheduled Tasks running once a day, this will process all plans
  2. Through the UI for a single plan only.

Normally the Plan Publisher will run as a Scheduled Task. It should only be configured to run once per day and ideally early in the day so that plan activities can be completed on the day. If during the setup of the plan the “Toolbar and Scheduled Task” option was set it will be possible to run a single plan in the UI. It will only action machines or users scheduled for today so it can be useful if it becomes necessary to push additional machines through the process.

The scheduled task should be configured with two conditions. The example below runs the scheduled task at 3:20am. Note the Parm1 and Parm2 settings, it will not work without these set.

<!-- Evergreen Service Plan Publisher -->
  <task scriptname="..\Evergreen Servicing\Plan-Publisher.ps1" runevery="1" interval="Days" athour="03" atmin="20" parm1="ScheduledTask" parm2="ScheduledTask" />

Some Example Plans.