Although information about a user's department and the location is brought into MigrationStudio by the AD connector, there might be occasions when it's necessary to replace this with information from an HR data source.   This solution article discusses the process of creating a new Blueprint structure based on HR information:

  • Prepare the HR data for import
  • Reconfigure the AD connector to prevent it from bringing in the incorrect department/location information
  • Optional: Delete the old department/location Blueprints
  • Import the HR data
  • Map the user survey to the new Blueprints

Before attempting any of these steps, please back up theMigrationStudio database.

Preparing The HR Data

When preparing the HR data for export, the import process requires the following information:

  • Unique Identifier: Typically an email address or employee ID, this will be required to link the user information back to the entry in MigrationStudio.
  • Department: Using Finance as an example, this should be in the format 'Department\Finance'.
  • Location: Using Manchester as an example, this should be in the format 'Location\Manchester.

For example:

Email AddressDepartmentLocation

Important: If manipulating the data in the spreadsheet, please ensure that all formulae have been removed and cells only contain values.

Optional: Reconfigure the AD Connector

By default, the AD connector will attempt to populate the Location and Department Blueprints.  If the standard Blueprints are to be used, the user field mappings will need to be deleted in the connector to prevent the HR information from being overwritten during the AD sync:

  • Switch to the 'Admin' view (1) and click 'Connectors' from the vertical menu on the left (2)

  • Scroll down to the 'User Update Options' and locate the Blueprint that you want to remove.

  • Click the 'Save Connector Settings' button at the top of the screen to save the changes.

Optional: Remove the Original Location/Department Blueprints

If the AD connector has already populated the Location/Department Blueprints, you may want to delete the structure before importing the HR data.  This will prevent orphaned migration entries or folders from occurring after the import.

  • Switch to the 'Admin' view (1) and choose 'Blueprints' (2) from the left vertical menu.
  • Click the edit icon (3) to the right of the Blueprint that will be deleted and choose 'Delete (Force)' (4) from the context menu.

If this is a new installation or a new Blueprint will be created for the HR import, this step is not required.

Import the HR Data

To import the HR data into MigrationStudio, switch to the 'Portal' (the globe icon in the top right corner):

  • When in the Portal, click 'Import Data' (1) from the main menu
  • Select 'Migration Users' (2) from the drop-down menu

  • Click the 'Browse' button (1) to locate your spreadsheet and click 'Upload Excel Workbook' (2)

  • If successful, you will be presented with a summary of the data that you're able to import:

  • Beneath the summary import in the previous step, you will see high-level categories that contain the data fields that are available for mapping.  MigrationStudio will automatically attempt to map the appropriate fields if similar names are used.
  • In the 'Migration Details' panel, the column numbers have already been added where similar names are found.  Simply enter the appropriate column number in the migration details panel to map fields that aren't pre-populated by MigrationStudio. This example uses the following:
    • '[0] Email Address' is mapped to the 'Email' field
    • '[1] Department' is mapped to the 'Blueprint By Path (1)'
    • '[2] Location' is mapped to the 'Blueprint By Path (2)'
  • The import process only supports two Blueprints at a time.  If more than two Blueprint mappings are required, the import will need to be repeated with the outstanding Blueprints.
  • Ensure that the following settings are configured to ensure that users are mapped correctly:
    • 'Create BP If Not Exists' is enabled (2)
    • 'Match existing records by...' is set to 'Email Address' (3)
    • 'Create User Migration if not found' is disabled (4)

  • To start the import, click the '--> Import User Migrations <--' button beneath the preview grid:

The import will be recorded at the bottom of the page.  Check the logs to ensure that all users have been mapped correctly.

Further information about importing data from Excel can be found in the knowledge base.

Map the Blueprints to the User Survey

If a new Blueprints structure has been created as part of the import process, the Blueprint folders will need to be set to user unique to prevent the user from appearing in multiple departments and locations.  The Blueprints will also need to be mapped to the User Survey.

  • Switch to the 'Admin' view (1) and click 'Blueprints' from the vertical menu on the left (2).
  • Click the edit icon (3) next to the Blueprint that was created during the import.
  • From the context menu, select 'Unique User Folders - Set as Unique Folder' (3).
  • Repeat for all new Blueprint folders created.
  • Make a note of the Blueprint IDs that appear in the 'Id' column (5) for all Blueprints that should appear in the User Survey.

  • Click the 'Portal' option (1) from the vertical menu on the left and choose the 'Migration: User Survey' tab (2).
  • Scroll down to the 'Blueprints' panel (3) and update the Blueprint folder ID for the department (4) and location (5) using the IDs noted earlier.
  • The labels for Blueprint 1 and 2 can be renamed if a different naming convention is used.  Additional Blueprints can also be added to the User Survey at this point.
  • Click the 'Save Changes' button to update the User Survey.

Further Support

If you require further assistance importing HR data, please get in touch with the service desk via